Tuesday, November 18, 2008

One of us needs help, and it's not me...

So, we're moving, right? I get out of the Navy in three days, and we're moving to the Great State of Texas (I say that like I've ever lived there). In the midst of packing up our stuff, however, I have come to a very serious realization... My wife has too much yarn.

My wife, you see, is a crocheting maniac. She makes baby booties and hats and other such nonsense and sells them on eBay. She makes a decent amount of money, too. Our Jamaica trip last month was almost entirely funded by her compulsive crochet habit. But every habit comes with a price...

I've added some props to give the next photo a little perspective:

I think an audit of my wife's re-investment expenses might be in order. I damn near threw out my back trying to move that thing.

-Sailor Matt


Captain Joe said...

Uh-oh, Sailor Matt looks like he's about to start taking names and kickin' ass!

May God help any inanimate boxes of yarn within a five hundred-mile radius of his fury.

Dude, lift with the knees, ass out, head up, and save that back.

marky said...

Best of luck in Texas dude.

Surely if it's for a Sailor's wife it should be called yaaaar-n?

I'll get me coat........

Sailor Matt said...

Ha! I love it! Yaaar-n! Love me some corny jokes. One of my favorites is...

Two anntennas meet on a rooftop, fall in love and get married. The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was great!

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt,
I saw your comment on Patrick Rothfuss' blog (great book, huh??)and stopped by your blog.

I'm ex-Navy too (AG2)and live in Dallas as well.

You're gonna love it here!!

Sailor Matt said...

Thanks for stopping by. Ex-Navy living in Dallas, commenting on the same fantasy author's blog... What are the odds, eh?

Movers come Friday, and then the 22-hour trek to Texas begins. I'll be glad to be rid of Virginia.

I'm an AT1 by rate. Electronics stuff. Glad to meet a fellow sailor!

marky said...

"But the reception was great!" HA!!

Firing jokes across my bow is it,
You asked for it! Here's my best joke. Look away now kiddies....

A frog goes to see a powerful wizard. "What can I do for you?" said the wizard.
"I really need your help" said the frog "You see it's a bit embarrassing. I have a red willy. It's always been red. When I go for a swim with the guys, the laugh at me. It's humiliating. I'm the only frog that doesn't have a green willy. Please, please, please help me."
The wizard rubs his beard and says "I'll give it a go, but I've never tried this before and it might get messy". The frog hops up and down. "Anything, anything! I'll try anything!"
The wizard says a few magic words and the frogs willy turns from red to yellow. "It's yellow! You turned it yellow! What am I going to do now? It's worse than before!" The wizard replies “You are going to have to go and find a more powerful wizard.” The frog hops off in an angry mood.

Half an hour later, an elephant with purple ears turns up at the wizard’s door. "I'm hoping you can help me." He says. "I've had purple ears since I was born. All the other elephants tease me. I would do anything to have grey ears. Please help me." The wizard agrees to help. A few magic words later and the elephant has orange ears. "They're orange! Orange! I can't walk about with orange ears! What am I going to do?" The wizard replies “you’re going to have to find a more powerful wizard." The elephant looks at him angrily and says” And where will I find such a wizard?"
The wizard looks him in the eye and says "That's easy. Just follow the yellow prick toad".

Hey. It’s a slow day in work.

Sailor Matt said...

One day, a frog hopped into a bank looking to borrow some money. He hopped up to the clerk and looked up at her name tag, which read "Patty Black".

"Excuse me, Patty Black," said the frog in his friendliest croak. "I would like to take out a loan."

"I can certainly help you with that, Mr. Frog," replied Patty Black, "but first I am going to require some collateral."

At this, the frog withdrew a small porcelain unicorn and handed it to the clerk.

Patty Black was quite perplexed by the porcelain unicorn, as it was not the usual form of collateral they accepted. Not knowing what to make of the object, she took it to her supervisor. "He wants to use this as collateral," she explained, "do you even know what it is?"

"Why, of course I do!" exclaimed her supervisor. "It's a knickknack, Patty Black. Give the frog a loan."

marky said...

HA!! touché!

Two fish in a tank. One turns to the other and says "how do you drive this thing?"