Saturday, November 8, 2008

Living the Life

An uninteresting sequence of events transpired this afternoon that ultimately resulted in me returning home from the barber shop with a healthy plate of Chinese food, to be eaten alone. As I sat in the quiet room, munching on my lunch, I came to realize how picturesque this sight must be. I'm seated at a card table with a beer at my left and a computer to my right, shoveling in mouthfuls of takeout Chinese. I think I even dribbled a little on my shirt. Few women (although there are some) would understand the awesomeness of this experience. My wife would say that I'm not taking care of myself. I argue that I am taking care of myself, and this bachelor-styled meal was exactly what I needed. Cathartic, even.

No one wants to eat fast food on a card table for every meal; my wife makes incredible pork chops and rice, and a mean chicken and wild rice soup that I wouldn't give up for the world. Still, the TV dinner will always have a place in the man's heart, right next to his appreciation for war movies and the secret desire to brew his own beer. This quiet afternoon was pure bliss.

And the fact that I blogged while eating my man-lunch makes it that much more awesome.

-Sailor Matt


marky said...

"Still, the TV dinner will always have a place in the man's heart, right next to his appreciation for war movies and the secret desire to brew his own beer."

Hell yeah! War movie, beer and junk food. The stable diet of every real man. The only thing you're missing is an old VHS tape of 70's style porn. (Worn out and unwatchable at the good parts)

Sailor Matt said...

Reminds me of the time my guys found a Polish porno mag stuffed behind the mirror while cleaning one of the bathrooms on the ship. It had to be twenty years old. They dusted it off gently and carefully turned the pages, as if handling an ancient tome of mystic text. I'd never seen a group of sailors so entranced.

marky said...

Ha! A 20 year old porno from Poland. That pre-dates lady razors.
One could just imagine the scary lady Sasquatch’s!

Who would have thought that your blog post would have resulted in a conversation about Polish ladies and their hairy bits. I blame you fully.

Captain Joe said...

Um... I'll come back later.

marky said...

It's his fault Captain! You should have seen the craziness he was spouting the other night on Pats pants blog entry. There were monkeys and alcohol involved.

marky said...

And rope! Crazy, crazy times.

Captain Joe said...

Heh. I know. Pat emailed me to make sure I was still alive, since you clowns were sure I'd been kidnapped or some such.

Quite laugh worthy, on reflection.

Raise your glasses to debauchery, gentlemen!

Sailor Matt said...

Here here! Debauchery is what I do best. Thanks for all the good times, gentlemen.