Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween Costume 2008!

Holy Toledo! I just realized that I haven't shared with ya'll this year's Halloween costume! The party was awesome and my Tribal Warrior costume rocked, but it was colder than a witch's tit outside (that means it was really cold). I wanted to add some warpaint, but ran out of time before the guests started showing up...

I hope the movers don't break my skull staff when they pack up our stuff in a few weeks. Its really a cool staff.

-Sailor Matt


marky said...

Looking buff big man! Quality costume. Any opportunity to show off the new tan, eh. ;-)

I see you have stolen my haircut. It's a very successful look. I applaud you.

Oh, and that is a very cool skull staff. Very 10000 years BC.

Sailor Matt said...

You know, one major motivation while I was in Jamaica was to catch a killer tan for my costume.

Don't tell anyone, but the hair's not actually real. I'm wearing a wig.

I dug the skull up in my backyard and stuck it on a plastic pole I bought at Target. It adds a little authenticity to the costume, I think.