Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Finally, some peace

Work has been a bit hectic the last few months because I was in what they call the "on-boarding" phase, or the training cycle. I was following people around, learning their jobs and entirely dependent on their schedules. Some worked 1st shift, others 2nd, and one guy worked 3rd. I haven't been able to settle into a routine, and most importantly, I haven't been in control of my own time. As of this last Monday, I started my own shift (2nd shift), and I am free to spend my time as I see fit.

So, now that I have a steady schedule and am now in control of my own time, what lies in my future? First off, I intend to enroll in classes at Univeristy of Texas at Arlington in the Fall (which starts in August) and take my first steps toward completing an Electrical Engineering degree. Second, I intend to update my blog a bit more regularly (like I used to). Third, I am going to write my book and post it on Authonomy, a site recommended by friend Captain Joe. I'll keep you posted on my progress, and hope to have something readable by my birthday (August).

Cheers, people, and best wishes!

-Sailor Matt


logankstewart said...

Welcome back to controlled normalcy. Good luck at 2nd shift.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your planned hectic schedule is back on track! Good show! Looking forward to your book.
Ancient Reader

marky said...

Another book to read! Woo-hoo! Glad to see everything settle down a bit for ya, boss. Good to see ya back.

Captain Joe said...

Note on Authonomy, Matt, you have to post a minimum of 10,000 words. And so far I've noticed most people won't read past the first few chapters, so make them shine!

I'll happily proof-read anything you have, offer opinions and such, if you need it. I don't claim to have a vast experience here, but I'm learning fast!

All the best,

Cap'n Joe

marky said...

Drinking to the Foam.... I like it!

Sedulo said...

Who exactly invented Giant Cheetos and why?

Hope you are well!

Sailor Matt said...

Giant Cheetos? You mean the ones that look like crusty, cheesy marshmallows? I've got no idea. I heard they're pretty darn popular in Latin America, though... Maybe it's a kid thing. A cheeto the size of a golf ball? What kid wouldn't want that?

Sedulo said...

Yes, golf ball sized cheetos. I bought some, they start off well but then your entire mouth gets stuck together with a gluey corn paste. Ahhh should have seen it coming, but thought they were so funny I had to buy a bag. The are definitely worth having for the novelty.