Sunday, March 29, 2009

What have you been up to lately?

The days have been all sorts of busy, friends. Two weeks ago I worked 2nd shift, and last week I switched to days. I worked yesterday (Saturday) afternoon, and I go in again tonight (Sunday) at 9:00. I work 3rd shift all next week, then back to days for a week after that, then I start my permanent shift assisnment on 2nd shift. So that's that.

I've decided to take three college classes in August: Calculus I, Spanish I and Physics I. In order to keep up with the course load while going to school full time, it's important that I pick up with my calculus and spanish self-study plan, which fell by the wayside a few weeks ago. So, I shall continue the self-study plan with renewed vigor.

My writing has been neglected, but I'm hoping that after my training cycle at work comes to an end next month, I'll have more time to refocus my efforts in that arena.

I plan for this week to be a flurry of productivity, bringing all of my programs back online, so to speak. The frustrating part of the last month has been the training cycle at work: most of my time was spent inefficiently waiting for someone else, so I could see how they do their job.

On a different note, I figured I'd share with you guys the most delicious treat of all time. Behold:

They're like three bucks a box, but eating one is an amazing experience. Try one today!


-Sailor Matt

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

*Crawls out from under rock*

Hey guys! Where've ya been?

See, that's how I try to make it sound like it's not MY fault that this blog hasn't been updated in a while...

So, now that you're back, here's what you've been missing:

My new place of employment runs a very hectic schedule! Trying to learn everything I need to know is like drinking from a fire hose! The first two months of my employment is strictly an "onboarding" process, where I meet with each element of the business operation and learn a bit about their job. I won't actually be taking on my maintenance manager role until sometime in April. Allow me to illustrate:

Despite the hectic life of this "company man," however, I have recently gained a renewed inspiration to complete my writing project, and will hopefully be able to share something with you guys in a few months.

In the mean time, I've only this to say:


-Sailor Matt