Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Shrine to the T-Shirt Gods

I'm a jeans 'n T-shirt kind of guy. Most of the time, anyway. Throughout the years I have accumulated a wide variety of T-shirts, and have grown quite proud of my T-shirt collection. I definitely don't have the most T-shirts, and I probably don't have the best T-shirts, but my collection is uniquely my own and I'm proud to share it. Pictures of them, anyway... I won't actually share my T-shirts. Here's a few of my favorites:

I don't normally fold my T-shirts in a square-ish fashion, but I think it presented them well.

In other news, I'm still a jobless bum but I have second interviews lined up with two companies next week. Wish me luck!

-Sailor Matt


logankstewart said...

The extreme hunting and the Be Like Jesus are my favorites, I think. And the Chuck Norris forest fire is pretty cool, too.
I bought this pretty sweet shirt from ebay a while ago.|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50

Sailor Matt said...

Ha! That Abbey Road t-shirt is great. Star Wars and Nintendo t-shirts are on my list of future acquisitions. I saw a '1-Up' mushroom shirt a few months a go that I really wanted. Oh, and a shirt with the secret code "up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-A-B-select-start." Great stuff.

Captain Joe said...

Heh. I love the Transformers t-shirt. It's gotta be more than meets the eye.

My current favourite t-shirt is of the Joker:

This except mine is grey!

If in doubt, though, I always SUIT UP!

Sailor Matt said...

Hey Cap'n. Love the Joker t-shirt! I want one...

I've definitely been giving my new suits a good workout. I've been on five interviews, and I have another one next week. This old sailor polishes up pretty good!

marky said...

Ok, so I'm more of a rock t-shirt and suit jacket kind of a guy. But that Bob Ross t-shirt has to be the greatest t-shirt ever made by man. I'm now going to spend the rest of the day trawling the tinter web for it.

And, if I can't find it, prepare to be cat burgled!

marky said...


Not as good, but it'll do. You can unlock your doors and windows now. I shall not be robbing you today!

Sailor Matt said...

Hey now, I don't want any trouble sir. I saw Braveheart- you guys are ruthless!

I'll leave out a plate of cookies and milk, just in case you decide to burgle my home anyway. That's what I do for all my bushy-bearded guests that sneak in at night and mess with my stuff.